Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pilgrimage of Faith

I was reading interface this afternoon a website designed to promote dialogue between Christian faith and contemporary culture and I was struck by a debate about the Pilgrimage of Faith. For those of you who are not Methodist, Pilgrimage of Faith is the debate about different Christian people's attitudes towards homosexuality. I have copied my observations about the pilgrimage of faith below:

Christians of all persuasions are struggling with this journey of faith discovery and we are held together on this journey not by a shared understanding of our destination but by our love for one another. As an evangelical this love leads me to recognise that the division of the church is a greater sin than homosexuality. I recognise liberal Christians feel that the church not recognising homosexuality as an integral part of human nature is equally sinful but continue to seek the unity of the church. However, this means that both conservative and liberal Christians must live within a wounded church.

Living within a wounded church is a painful experience it is also an opportunity for growth in humility and discipleship. I hope that whether we are liberal or conservative we can treat those we meet with love and learn from them as they seek to discover what it means to follow the living Lord Jesus.

I wonder what you think about being part of a wounded church? How has your church managed differences over opinions of homosexuality? Can the church bless lifelong homosexual partnerships? Can the church remain indifferent to such an integral part of a persons identity as sexuality? What can we say about homosexuality from the Bible? Are we too focused on issues of sexuality and too unresponsive towards issues of justice?

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