Monday, August 14, 2006

A personal Jesus?

I found this an interesting article by professor John Suk (I am unconvinced by his reasoning but I can see what he wants to correct). I would not go as far as the professor but it does provide a corrective to some self-centred approaches to Christian faith.

However, I wonder if the thing which upsets him most is not that someone might have 'a personal relationship' but rather that 'a personal relationship' can to easily become 'a personal Jesus' i.e. a Jesus like me or even a Jesus who likes me. If that is true then we need not to oppose the view that Jesus might relate either personally or communally (He does both to some extent) but rather we should oppose the view that Jesus is anyone other than the person revealed to us by scripture, present with us in the breaking of bread, and made known in the power of the Holy Spirit which he pours out upon us, His Church, to lead us into all Truth.

Truth that can sometimes be uncomfortable!

1 comment:

James Church said...

I think you are absolutely right and I think if our unity of thought through this blog is ever to be tested it will be over the balance between Word and Spirit.